Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
Het standbeeld van Rembrandt uit 1852 staat centraal op het
Rembrandt's Mother
Saskia von Uylenburgh im Profil
Young Girl at a Window

The Mennonite Minister Cornelis Claesz. Anslo in Conversation with his Wife, Aaltje
Anatomie des Dr. Tulp
Die Verschwörung der Bataver
De Nachtwacht
Il festino di Baltassar
The Music Party
Holy Family

David and Jonathan
Descent from the Cross
The raising of Lazarus
Supper at Emmaus
The Little Children Being Brought to Jesus
The Mill
Aristotle contemplating a bust of Homer
The Blinding of Samson
"Saskia as Flora"
Porträt des Jan Six
Hendrickje Bathing in a River
Susanna und die beiden Alten
No higher resolution available.
The Philosopher in Meditation
The Syndecs of the Clothmakers' Guild
Bathsheba in het bad
Joseph Accused by Potiphar's Wife
Portrait of a Lady with an Ostrich-Feather Fan
The return of the prodigal son
The Archangel Leaving the Family of Tobias
The Risen Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalen. 1638
Christ in the Storm on the Lake of Galilee,
The Stone Bridge
네덜란드의 대표적인 화가 램브란트는
"톨프 박사의 해부"로 많은 호평을 받으며
회화의 경지에 도달 했으나
30대의 전성기를 제외 하고는 평생을
혹독한 시련속에보냈다.
신실한 어머니 코르넬리의 깊은 싱앙심이
그의 영적 성장의 밑거름이 되어,
그의 그림곳곳에는기독교 정신이 도도히 흐르고 있다.

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